The Announcement:
June 8, 2008 became another challenge for the Instructors at BDI DataLynk. Two weeks prior we received a call from Anita George, Petersburg, Florida. The request for training had come from one of the NCOs of the 101st Signal Battalion of the New York National Guard.
The Challenge:
The National Guard unit had located BDI DataLynk on the Internet and had throughly reviewed our qualifications. The 101st National Guard unit needed 3 Courses taught during the week of June 8, 2008 for 30 soldiers. The courses needed to be presented on site at Ft. Drum New York in up state New York. We immediately adjusted our schedule. Dean Calvert, Director of Continuing Education for Northeast State Technical Community College was nice enough to re-schedule her classes to allow us to accommodate this training for the National Guard during this time period.
The Result:
BDI DataLynk arrived on site with equipment and 3 instructors and provided the finest fiber optic network training available to some of the most well-prepared students (soldiers) we have ever taught. Each one of these professionals did a fantastic job. We were proud to have had the opportunity to work with these fine folks and share with them the knowledge of fiber optics networking.